Sema day four highlights:

Day four was the shortest for me, I regret that I only discovered Toyo Tires awesome treadpass as I was leaving as it may have had the sum total of the coolest metal at the event. Enjoy day four:

R20141107_093430 R20141107_093549 R20141107_093718 R20141107_093726 R20141107_093745 R20141107_093915 R20141107_094450 R20141107_095005 R20141107_095017 R20141107_095402 R20141107_095622 R20141107_095833 R20141107_100126 R20141107_100315 R20141107_100525 R20141107_100609 R20141107_100748 R20141107_100807 R20141107_100854 R20141107_101003 R20141107_101009 R20141107_101056 R20141107_101127 R20141107_101128 R20141107_101149 R20141107_101234 R20141107_101235 RIMG_4261 RIMG_4262 RIMG_4274 RIMG_4276 RIMG_4280 RIMG_4316 RIMG_4334 RIMG_4338 RIMG_4349 RIMG_4362 RIMG_4366 RIMG_4367 RIMG_4373 RIMG_4387

Sema day three highlights:

Day three:

20141106_082140R 20141106_082319R 20141106_082529R 20141106_083519R 20141106_091931R 20141106_092153R 20141106_140131R 20141106_140246R 20141106_140423R 20141106_140849R 20141106_141152R 20141106_141259R 20141106_141439R 20141106_142039R 20141106_143818R 20141106_144050R 20141106_144315R 20141106_144534R 20141106_151444R 20141106_151740R 20141106_151902R 20141106_151919R 20141106_152121R 20141106_153504R 20141106_153823R 20141106_153906R 20141106_154409R 20141106_154500R 20141106_154637R 20141106_154717R 20141106_155622R 20141106_155742R 20141106_160119R IMG_4109R IMG_4112R IMG_4146R IMG_4151R IMG_4156R IMG_4159R IMG_4168R IMG_4179R

Cool wheels that work on everything, v.1: BBS RS

I know there are many kinds of the BBS wheels in this style, and many things that can be done i.e. different types of lips, faces, caps, bolts, etc.


Somehow, they look good on anything. 
