Sema: The hot rods

The term “Hot Rod” means many things to many people. To me today, for the sake of this post, mean roughly ’30s to ’40s cars and trucks modified in an appealing manner.

Side note: I do not know much about these old things. I can usually identify a Ford but that’s about it. Please comment with what a particular make and model is if you know it!

Silver Sedan: (Ford?)

Hot Rod

Tradition flamed convertible: (Ford?)

Hot Rod2

This thing had many trick design features, note the pop-up headlight in the hood! (Ford?)

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The E-stop Ford pickup.

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Bagged ’33 Ford 2 door.

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’33 Ford 2 Door coupe:

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Another Ford Coupe:

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Welderup Vegas had a bucnh of wicked Rods out front. This is “Quit your bitchin.”

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The famous Welderup smoke machine, packing turbo-diesel power.

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Here’s a link to the afore-mentioned burnout:

Welderup turbo diesel number dos.

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Clean black and red sedan.

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Guess what powered this little number?

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A 2.3L Ecoboost 4 Cylinder!

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Accuair fat fendered (Ford?)

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This picture of this black and red sedan convertible is terrible but the car was immaculate!

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You don’t see many convertible pickups!

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This rust colored rod had a ton of cool touches!

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The T-bucket roadster is a staple of the hot rod scene and this one had a;; the right mods!

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Fenders work on this copper colored beauty!

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Would you trust Honest Charley?

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This Edelbrock equipped truck was immaculate!

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Sema Action Network Ford Highboy.

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Clean blue and cream Ford Highboy.

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The Brookland Special.

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I loved the chunky tires on this T-bucket.

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As I said, help me identify these!

Sema: S197 Mustangs

I’m looking at buying a car soon, and I keep gravitating back to the S197 Mustang. So, here are a few from my week in Vegas:

A few of the V6 rental car, which served us well as we put 1800 miles on the clock in a matter of days:

Ford Mustang (1) Ford Mustang (2) Ford Mustang (3) Ford Mustang (4) Ford Mustang (5)

Meaty fitment on this Shelby:

Ford Mustang (6)

Saleen’s take on the 2014:

Ford Mustang (7)

Trufiber designed this conversion kit, where you can swap on the front end of the 11-12 onto the 05-09 model. Trick!

Ford Mustang (8)

You look’ at me?

Ford Mustang (9)

I much prefer the Gotta-have-it greenthis car originally was.

Ford Mustang (10)

Galpin Auto Sports wicked widebody Cobra!

Ford Mustang (12)

Bagged, boosted and blue.

Ford Mustang (13)

The rear of the G.A.S. Cobra. Those hips!

Ford Mustang (14)

Justin Pawlak’s “Sideways S197”. Those Weld wheels are cool.

Ford Mustang (20)

Hotwheels demo Mustang, such a wild look!

Ford Mustang (21)

Details of the Vorshlag built track hound.

Ford Mustang (25)Ford Mustang (28)

The Instagram famous @dirtychamba lookin’ good out front.

Ford Mustang (30)

Sema day four highlights:

Day four was the shortest for me, I regret that I only discovered Toyo Tires awesome treadpass as I was leaving as it may have had the sum total of the coolest metal at the event. Enjoy day four:

R20141107_093430 R20141107_093549 R20141107_093718 R20141107_093726 R20141107_093745 R20141107_093915 R20141107_094450 R20141107_095005 R20141107_095017 R20141107_095402 R20141107_095622 R20141107_095833 R20141107_100126 R20141107_100315 R20141107_100525 R20141107_100609 R20141107_100748 R20141107_100807 R20141107_100854 R20141107_101003 R20141107_101009 R20141107_101056 R20141107_101127 R20141107_101128 R20141107_101149 R20141107_101234 R20141107_101235 RIMG_4261 RIMG_4262 RIMG_4274 RIMG_4276 RIMG_4280 RIMG_4316 RIMG_4334 RIMG_4338 RIMG_4349 RIMG_4362 RIMG_4366 RIMG_4367 RIMG_4373 RIMG_4387

Sema day three highlights:

Day three:

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Sema day two highlights

Day two:

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Been a long time coming: SEMA 2014

I’ve been out of this site for a long time, but I’m planning to get back into it again. I went to the Sema show and it was an  increbile fulfillment of a childhood dream. I will be back! Here are some highlights of the show.

20141104_085541 3818 20141104_085454 20141104_085614 20141104_085649 20141104_085811 20141104_085834 20141104_085936 20141104_090142 20141104_090615 20141104_090652 20141104_090816 20141104_090838 20141104_091108 20141104_091221 20141104_092533 20141104_092902 20141104_092940 20141104_093410 20141104_093516 20141104_093616 20141104_093704 20141104_093736 20141104_095317 20141104_095332 20141104_095629 20141104_100155 20141104_101424 20141104_101547 20141104_102110 20141104_102144 20141104_102255 20141104_102825 20141104_103407 20141104_103912 20141104_104705 20141104_121020 20141104_121246 20141104_121455 20141104_121558 20141104_121839 20141104_122428 20141104_123316 20141104_123407 20141104_123807 20141104_124900 20141104_125305 20141104_125359 20141104_130754 20141104_130950 20141104_131102 20141104_131256 20141104_150149 20141104_151214 20141104_151453 20141104_151637 20141104_152048 20141104_152116 20141104_152201 20141104_152354 20141104_153106 20141104_153410 20141104_154016 20141104_154429 20141104_155059 20141104_160406 20141104_161550 20141104_161610 20141104_162012 20141104_162018 20141104_162046 20141104_162107 20141104_162624 20141104_162808 20141104_163635 20141104_163815 20141104_164913 20141104_165011 20141104_165040 20141104_165438 20141104_170259 20141104_094457 20141104_093942

Dodge Charger Daytona / Plymouth Superbird

Not a vehicle you see modified very often!

Petty colors look good on this Dodge Charger Daytona:


Pro Street with the big and littles wheel and tire combo:Image

Love the look of the big tires and worn, battle scarred exterior hunkered down:Image

There are actually a few converted convertible Satellites i believe that have been given the Dodge Charger Daytona treatment:Image

This thing is so crazy! I’m pretty sure it is a tube frame type vehicle with fiberglass body panels.


Mr. Angry’s “Project Angrier” – a 180mph track ready Charger Daytona replica:’s+1969+dodge+daytona&rlz=1C1_____enUS401US401&oq=mr+angry+dod&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j0l4.8368j0j9&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8


Vin Diesel drives this gorgeous machine in the latest Fast and Furious movie:ImageImageImage

200mph aerodynamics worked on the superspeedway, so why not the 1/4 mile? Drag prepped chop top Charger Daytona? Yes Please!Image

Gotta love the Bill Goldberg-Year One Charity Plymouth Superbird! More info:

Another flat black Charger Daytona, prepped for the 1/4 mile too!Image

Someone should build another one like this Speedster style Dodge Charger Daytona:Image


Dodge Charger Daytona Breaks Records At Bonneville


In September 1971, NASCAR driver Bobby Isaac took his Daytona Charger to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Isaac broke 28 world speed records, most notably the two-way flying mile speed of 216.946 miles per hour.



Lee Sicilios 1969 Dodge Daytona 283 mph Bonneville racer:

Source and a ton of insane build pics:


And a european drag prepped American Superspeedway prepped muscle car? Oh yeah!Image